How to Start a Blog Today in Pakistan

Are you Ready to Learn How to Start a Blog Today in Pakistan and started Making Money? If you want to Start a Business Online and Make a Website to Earn Money Online.

This is very easy to start To Blog and Write an Article according to Your Niche.

This Beginner Guide helps you to Start a blog in Pakistan.

There are 2 Types of Blog Platform, Free and Premium. It’s Called CMS (Content Management System). CMS helps you to Create your Blog Structure. Blog Structure is the main Point to create Sidebar, Header, and Footer of Your blog. You can also use JavaScript and HTML Code to Make your Blog More Professionals.

How to Start a Blog Today in Pakistan

First, We Will discuss on How to Create A Blog with Free Space.

Google offers you a Free hosted Program like In Gmail Account, Google gives you only 15 GB of Space to Create A Blog on blogger.  After Login in to Your Gmail Account, you can start with BLOGGER>com.  Create A Blog on It.

You Can Upload your Own Favourite Blogger Templates to  Customize Blogger Free Blogspot.

How to Start Blog on WordPress

If you want to Make a Website with WordPress, then you Should Purchased Domain Names and Webhosting from Different Hosting Websites.

We Prefer Bluehost. Because It fast, secure, and comes Safe Payment Method.

Click here to Buy Best Web-Hosting from Our Side.

I have point-out these Top Tips to Create a blog with Word-Press and then Make Money Online.

  • Pick Your Niche

Before Start, a Blog, Firstly select your Niche or topic. The topic selected will be favourite for your Side. It’s Means that you are a cricket lover and want to start a Blog on health Niche, it may be difficult for you. Because you have a knowledge of Cricket but start a Health Blog. Only Start a Blog according to your Skills and likes.

  • Domain Name

Now, the Next Option is to Select a Domain Name for your Blog. Domain Name according to your Niche.

For Example, I Have Started A blog

I added the Beginner Guide and Technology Related News.

One Tip is from my side is that your Blog name should be Unique and Easy to Read. So it may catch direct Organic Traffic to Your Blog.

  • Hosting

WordPress hosted Blogs need hosting. There are many affordable websites where you can get Webhosting for your blog. Again My Preference is Bluehost.   Hosting Needs Budget, Because Blogging is Business and When you Start a Business, you should invest. It may be little or High. It depends on your Pocket.

So, First Invest and Then Make Money from Your Blog.

  • How to Install Your Blog

If you are Beginner and facing the Problem to install WordPress on your Hosting, You can Hire me. I have a Solution to your Every Blog Problem. You Can Contact Me Via This Link.

  • How to Install Theme

This may Also Be Difficult for you If you are a beginner and Want to Install a Theme on your WordPress Blog. The theme can be free and downloaded from the Internet and also can be purchased from Different Websites.

I Prefer To Paid Theme Because the Paid WordPress theme is valid and written by Professional Developers and Its Affects your Blog speed. Speed is Another Factor to Get Higher Ranking in Google and other Search Engine.

Find Complete Guide How to Install a WordPress Theme

  • WordPress SEO Plugins

After Theme Installation, your main point is the SEO of your Blog and Your Blog Post should be Unique and Search Engine Friendly.

There are Many SEO Plugins that Help you to Get Higher Ranks in Search Engine.

I Used WordPress SEO Yoast and All in One SEO Pack. you can be used from one of them.

To Be Continue…

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